Web Design

Research shows approximately 4.66 billion people use the internet. That means roughly 65 percent of the world’s entire population has internet access. Things used to be very different in the early days of the internet. You would find clunky and messy websites that looked like some amateur designed them. However, today, those websites don’t fly with people. You would likely close the tab immediately if you stumbled upon a poorly-designed website, and rightly so.

The internet has evolved, meaning significant progress has occurred. Websites today must provide a friendly user interface. They have to be well-designed and functional. Otherwise, people will switch ship to another website. Some websites still exist that look better suited to the 1990s than today. However, they don’t receive much traction because users avoid them like the plague.

Then, there are also SEO and search engine rankings to consider. Whether you’re a hobbyist blogger or someone running an E-commerce business, you must ensure your website ranks highly. Otherwise, people will never find it because it’ll be buried deep within Google’s search engine rankings. Statistics show that 99 percent of clicks go to websites ranked on Google’s first page.

Now, you might be thinking, what correlation does web design have to SEO and search engine rankings? After all, they don’t seem to be connected. However, the reality is that website design not only impacts the audience, but it also affects search engine rankings. Search engines often focus on dwell time, meaning your website won’t rank well if people don’t spend significant time on it.

It’s essential to understand web design before progressing any further. Web design refers to the skills and disciplines required to create, design, and maintain websites. It includes numerous sub-areas like graphic design, user interface design, authoring, etc.

While web design was grossly overlooked during the early years of the internet, it became more important in the 21st century. Today, web design goes beyond aesthetics. It focuses on web applications, mobile responsiveness, etc.

Generally, most applications and programs are written in a programming language that programmers understand. The computer’s processing unit then converts the programming language into machine code, which it uses to perform tasks.

If you’ve ever owned or built a website before, you’ll know that numerous options exist for building websites. For instance, most people have to decide between designing a website themselves or using a website builder for their website. Both options have some pros and cons.

Website Builders

Numerous website builders exist on the market today, like Wix, PageCloud, WordPress, etc. These allow people to develop websites using a drag-and-drop style. They generally have numerous templates - free and paid - that users can choose from to build their website. However, most people who know web design refrain from using these website builders because they offer limited options. After all, you can only work with the tools at your disposal.

In addition, website builders aren’t always suitable for different types of websites. For instance, most website owners building E-commerce websites generally prefer designing or hiring someone to design their website to ensure user-friendliness.

Designing a Website

Most designers will begin the website design process by using desktop applications like Photoshop or Sketch. Then, they’ll convert the design to code using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Using these desktop applications is standard for large or complex websites because it allows designers to focus on the overall look and feel.

Web Design Elements

Web design comprises multiple elements that designers must focus on when creating websites. They typically include:


No one enjoys browsing a slow website. Multiple research studies show that users aren’t willing to wait longer than a few seconds for your website to load. In short, the longer it takes your website to load, the more users you lose. It doesn’t matter how well-designed or beautiful your website is. It must be optimized for performance. Search engine rankings also rank websites that load quickly higher than slow-loading counterparts. That’s also one reason people don’t like using website builders. Most website builders don’t guarantee the best performance times.

Cross-browser and Cross-device Compatibility

Google Chrome is the world’s most popular browser. However, that doesn’t mean other browsers don’t exist on the market. People using a macOS device, for instance, will likely be using Safari - Apple’s native browser. As a result, a well-designed website must operate smoothly on different browsers. Many people also still use old computers and laptops. These devices cannot support most modern-day browsers. Therefore, you’ll likely see some people still using Microsoft Explorer to surf the internet. Designing a website to perform well on different browsers is necessary for today’s digital age.

In addition, users also use different devices to browse the internet. Statistics show over half the world’s internet traffic originates from a mobile device. Smartphones have proven to be game-changers, allowing people to access the internet on the go. Most developing countries also heavily rely on smartphones to access the internet because the GDP per capita in these nations is low. As a result, not everyone can afford to purchase a laptop or computer to browse the internet. Therefore, optimizing a website to perform well on mobile devices is crucial. Otherwise, you’ll lose your audience and rank poorly on search engines.

Site Structure

A well-designed website must also be structured properly. Doing so helps improve the user experience and search engine optimization. Users should be able to navigate your website without running into structural issues. Think about it this way: if users are getting lost navigating a website, then crawlers are too. Crawlers are automated programs that determine a website’s functionality and design. Most search engines use them to rank websites.


Websites today need to be interactive, meaning they must feature animations to capture the visitor’s attention. This isn’t the 1990s anymore. Animations help keep visitors engaged and also add flavor to your web design.

User Interactions

Users must be able to interact with your website in multiple ways. For instance, they must be able to scroll, click, or type their way through your website’s design. Well-designed websites generally simplify user interactions, allowing users to control how they progress through your site. As a result, these websites will avoid pop-ups and scroll-jacking. In addition, they’ll never autoplay video or audio.


Navigation is arguably the most important element of web design. Your website must be easy to navigate for visitors. Otherwise, they’ll get confused and close the tab. They’ll move to another website that’s simple and easily navigable. A good website design will ensure your website is easy to use. First-time visitors will be able to see everything your website has to offer, meaning they’re likely to turn into returning visitors. Likewise, returning visitors will prefer your website over others.

Master Web Design with Tutorjoint

Web design has become more crucial than ever. An increasing number of companies are realizing the importance of maintaining an online presence. In addition, Web 3.0 is already changing the internet’s landscape. Web designers have become more coveted than ever.

Recent events like the global pandemic have also shown that E-commerce is the way forward for most businesses. E-commerce thrives on numerous web design elements like speed, navigability, etc.

Web design isn’t something students learn until high school. However, the future for web designers looks bright. Web design is a skill that pays dividends. While the internet is an excellent resource to help you get started with web design, it can also confuse many students. In addition, most online programs don’t have conformity. For instance, some online courses will teach you to use Photoshop and website builders to create and design websites, while others teach you to code and use Sketch. Luckily for you, we can help you regardless of the tools.

It’s easy to glance at websites and think web design is straightforward. However, the reality is that there are numerous moving parts behind a website. Designing websites isn’t easy. Otherwise, everyone would be doing it themselves. Website builders would stop being relevant because everyone would have the necessary skills to create a sleek, high-functioning website. But the truth is that’s not the case. Whether you’re a high school student dipping your feet in the web design world or a graduate computer science student, you might face difficulties creating and designing websites. However, there’s no need to worry because help is only a few clicks away. You aren’t alone if you’re struggling with simple or advanced computer science concepts. If you’re looking for computer science help online, you’re in luck because our online learning platform has you covered. Whether you’re searching for a computer science tutor to help you with web design or to help you make a specific E-commerce website, you can rely on Tutorjoint for assistance.

Tutorjoint is an E-learning platform that helps with computer science concepts. We have numerous tutors to choose from as you try to ace computer science. Our computer science tutors provide online teaching classes at your convenience. In addition, they’re available round-the-clock, meaning you can select class timings that work for you.

Boost Your Web Design Grades

Students often worry about their grades. The education system has conditioned students to believe that grades are the determining factor for their futures, placing enormous pressure upon them. While this is partly true, students often stress themselves to the detriment of their mental and physical well-being. Fortunately for students, there’s no need to worry anymore. Tutorjoint’s tutors are ready to assist you at a moment’s notice, helping you improve your grades. Whether you’re struggling with the most advanced web design classes in a graduate program or entry-level courses in an undergraduate program, you can rely on our tutors for help. The best thing about Tutorjoint is that help is only a few clicks away. You can opt for personalized one-on-one tutoring or enroll in group classes. Your convenience is our priority at Tutorjoint.

One-On-One Web Design Tutoring Sessions

Whether you’re a high school computer science student or a graduate computer science student, you’ll likely have difficulties with simple or advanced concepts. It’s not uncommon for many computer science students to spend many sleepless nights worrying about their web design courses. Fortunately, that’s nothing that personalized help and individual attention can’t fix.

Tutorjoint allows you to hire tutors for one-on-one web design classes. Our tutors will provide you with personalized help to ensure you learn and master challenging web design concepts. They’ll also work with you to further your understanding of these concepts. In addition, our tutors will find related worksheets and exercises to help you put your knowledge to the test.

Group Web Design Lessons

Some students prefer studying with peers because social interaction helps them. If that’s the case for you, our web design group lessons are perfect. Group lessons are also an excellent option for multiple friends looking to split tutoring costs between them. You can have a great time designing and creating websites with your friends!

Web Design Homework Help

Homework is never fun. It doesn’t matter whether you’re an elementary school student or a graduate student pursuing your doctorate. You’re unlikely to enjoy homework, and no one can blame you.

It’s not uncommon for students to excel at topics in class as the teacher guides them through them. However, the same topics become increasingly difficult as students come home and try to do them independently. Fortunately for you, our tutors can help you with your homework. Whether you’re working on homework late at night or early on a Sunday morning, you’ll find expert help is always available at Tutor Joint.

Web Design Examination Preparation Assistance

Is there an upcoming web design exam that has got you stressing out? There’s no reason to worry because help is only a few clicks away. Our expert web design tutors will ensure you’re well-prepared to handle your exam and ace it with flying colors. Bid farewell to exam season worries and watch your grades rise with Tutorjoint.

Are You a Web Design Expert? Consider Teaching on Our Platform

Tutorjoint is committed to improving our platform every day for new learners. However, improving an online learning platform is impossible without having the best web design tutors. As a result, we’re always searching for new web design wizards to sign up as tutors on our online tutor platform. If you would like to teach web design concepts online, consider becoming a tutor on Tutorjoint. We have numerous tutoring jobs available. Contact us today to get started.

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